Enjoy advantageous accommodation packages for two or more nights. Come and relax and recharge your batteries at our wellness resort with a package that includes everything you need for a perfect relaxing stay. A rich breakfast buffet awaits you each morning to energize you for the day.
Packages in hotel accommodation:
Yoga in the fresh air
Enrich your holiday with movement and relaxation. Every week you can practice yoga with our experienced instructors.
Barbecue and live music under the stars
Every Thursday evening enjoy live music. Enjoy food, drinks and a pleasant atmosphere in the company of your loved ones.
Animation programme for children
Our animators have prepared a rich programme for your children. Whether it's sports activities, creative workshops or fun games, they won't be bored with us.
More events for children and adults can be found here.
Podzimní a zimní období je skvělým časem, kdy se můžete věnovat péči o své tělo i mysl. V našem programu nabízíme širokou škálu wellness aktivit, které jsou ideální pro rodiny s dětmi, i jednotlivce. Můžete si u nás dopřát relaxaci v příjemném prostředí, a zároveň posílit svou imunitu díky otužování.Otužování vám pomůže nejen zlepšit fyzickou kondici, ale také podpoří zdraví a odolnost vašeho organismu.
Sledujte náš web a sekci Akce, kde pravidelně vypisujeme termíny pro rodinné wellnessování a také workshopy otužování. Nenechte si ujít příležitost udělat něco pro své zdraví a pohodu!
The town of Nový knín
Take a stroll to the neighbouring town of Nový Knín, ending with a visit to the lavender farm Královská Lavandule, or go tennis in Oplocenka, where your children can play on the large wooden court.
Trip to Dobříš
Take a trip to the nearby Dobříš. Visit the beautiful Dobříš Castle and explore its extensive gardens.
Where to go with children
In addition to the animation programme and the biotope pond, you can use the children's playground, which is located a few steps from the resort. Alternatively, take a trip to the Slapy swimming pool or the children's playroom in Dobris.